viernes, 2 de septiembre de 2011

Patience... (rainy day thoughts)

- I'm tired of this shit.-
-What are you talking about?-
-Me, us, being here, just... nothing!!!-
- Why don't you tell me what's really bothering you?-
-What's the point, it's always the same, i open up and you say nothing-
-There's a reason for that..-
-I know.. it's because you are afraid...-
-Of what?-
-Of me, of us, this working out, i know you've never found anyone like me, i'm for real, not like... well... you know who.. and you are scared that this can be a good thing for the both of us-
-It's not it-
-Then what is it?-
-Its because we are...
-No, we are not, we are not going in different directions, and you know it, our lives are converging to the same place, can't you see it? or you don't wanna see it?-
-But, we are far away, and i wanna travel, my dream is to capture the world with my music, i wanna go places...-
-And i'm not stopping you, i know you are gonna make it, that's why I admire you, because i believe in you-
-So what if I do, i go for like six months, how do I know you'll be waiting for me?-
-That only shows how little you know me, you could go for 10 years and I'd still be here for you... I'm not gonna wait for you, that's not how this works, We are gonna be together even if we are far away...-
-Well I haven't seen it that way..-
-I know, that's why I'm here for, to make you understand-
-What if doesn't work out-
- I guess we'll never know until we try.....what if it does works out, like forever.... then what?-
-Then i would'nt have to worry about it anymore-
-See..... it's easy, just us, just today, sharing this moment...-
- I guess you're right, I AM a little scared...-
- I am here for that, you don't have to be afraid anymore, not as long as you're mine-

The rain had stopped. They were cold and wet, but they were happy for the first time in their lives. Peter took Jason by the waist and kissed him as the moonlight covered them with a warm bright white light.

jueves, 24 de febrero de 2011

Las 10 cosas más nefastas del metro

1. El olor

2. Los vendedores "cieguitos" y su tono de voz

3. los que traen el pecho descubierto y todo tasajeado y se ponen a saltar en vidrios!

4. los que se arrastran limpiando zapatos para dar lástima y que les des una moneda

5. los que van con su chacha dandose atascones como si fuera lo más sexy del mundo TODO

6. (homenaje a ñerik) los que van tragando basuras y agarrandose del tubo

7. El chongo de Laleja (lo siento tenía que estar en la lista)

8. Los adolescentes desmadrosos que piensan que son "la onda" por hacer gatadas en el vagon

9. La estación de la Merced

10. Los que se suicidan en horas pico!! (un tip: las nueces y/o almendras verdes o en descomposición producen cianuro.. son baratas y no le friegan la existencia a los que van a su trabajo y/o escuela)

martes, 22 de febrero de 2011


Hoy Levito está muy contento, y sólo dejará un fragmento de un pequeño poema de Dorothy Parker:

There’s little in taking or giving,
There’s little in water or wine;
This living, this living, this living
Was never a project of mine.
Ah! si y un Pony-Bowie!!!!!

miércoles, 12 de enero de 2011

The Guy With The Purple Hat

There once was a boy
Who lived near my house
And his favorite toy
Was a white little mouse

I never really saw him
He was lurky like a cat
His head was totally covered
With a shiny purple hat

On a cold day of winter
I was sitting by the window
Looking to the purple hat
And a crazy old widow

She was laying saddly
Listening to some blues
When the Purple guy crossed the street
And was hit by a school bus.